This knit-along evolved from a foot-related fundraiser, a pretty lace sock pattern called Campanula for the Cure which I offered to my sponsors for the 60-km walkathon The 2007 Weekend to End Breast Cancer.
Click here to be redirected to the post with more details. To get the pattern, just sponsor me by donating any amount. Then grab a button from the sidebar, get your needles and your yarn and knit yourself up a pair!
Please CLICK HERE TO SPONSOR ME FOR 2008 since I am (insanely) getting ready to do it all over again!
I’m also going to come up with a new pattern for next year.(Sheesh! Okay, getting my thinking cap on). This KAL will continue for all of us who are still knitting our Campanulas, so please go ahead and knit up a pair and share them with the knit-blogging universe.
If you're a new sponsor and still want THIS pattern, please let me know by putting CAMPANULA in the message line of the donation. If you want the NEW (forthcoming) pattern, please put NEWPATTERN in the message line.
Okay I gasp went and donated and can't wait for my pattern..
Now the good part I HATE knitting socks. I mean I absolutely ABHOR knitting socks. So why will I make a pair of these? Cause I have lost two good friends to breast cancer, have had two of my MALE friends go through that scare AND my oldest sister has been through treatment for breast cancer. So I will knit a pair of socks to honor all my friend who have faced this challenge in their life.
I finally managed to make a donation to support your good cause. See you soon at the SnB!
Sent you a donation, looking forward to the pattern to knit for my Mum who is a survivor of this dreadful disease.My Aunt is at present going through treatment and an old schoolfriend of mine just survived it. We all know too many people who have had it. Thanks for your generosity with this pattern and your hard wok raising funds.
I just made a donation. This is a fabulous fundraising idea for one of the worthiest causes out there! Can't wait to get started on this pattern, so I can wear the socks to the next walk!
I just sent my donation. Wish I could have sent more, but I am sponsoring a friend in October for the Three Day here.
I am just finishing a super large shawl, so I have time to start a new projects. Pink Breast Cancer socks, ahoy!
I'm so sorry- a bit short of cash now due to ill health and there seems to be a minimum donation amount.
So sorry, Sande Frances. You bumped into one of the little glitches in this system, but it's really a small thing.
The WEBC will not accept donations online under $10(CDN). I assume it is due to overhead and such. But they do accept checks by mail in any amount - using the pdf donation form that can be downloaded from the participant's sponsorship page.
However - the deadline for donations to be mailed in to them (for the September 7-9 event) has just passed (August 17). So from now on, I will be collecting these donations myself (you can mail the check made out to the WEBC and the pdf form to me and I can submit them when I check in for the walk.)
In the meantime I will send you the pattern right now so you can get in on the fun portion of our joint fundraiser!
alas, I am not a sock knitter, but, please keep me posted (and I will keep reading) for other projects. You do belong to my yahoo group, don't you?
I just made my donation, and can't wait to get the pattern (how do I do that?). My mother is a breast cancer survivor, and my family has a long history. Thank you for all you do ;-)
I can't believe you're at $3k already! Woo woo!
Oops, I donated this morning but I forgot to put Campanula in the msg. Stingdragon AT gmail DOT com
Schweet. I gave $10 (I'm poor, alas), but when people ask me what I'm knitting (or crocheting. Some folks don't know the difference.), I'll tell them all about it!
But where will I get the courage to wear magenta socks from?
What an awesome idea! I made a donation today and look foward to receiving the sock pattern. I already have magenta yarn on the way!
Great job with the Breast Cancer Cure!
Continental Knitters yahellgroup is still waiting for your apology, Ramona!
The YarnWright
great idea! I've always wanted to learn how to knit!
btw, I tried to click on the other blog that's in your profile too and it wasn't loading, I'm not sure why.
Shoot- I had you bookmarked to donate once I had more free time (I have a 4 month old) and completely forgot...I was just going to donate so I could get the pattern but it's too late! Can I donate already for next year? Or is there some other way I can get the sock pattern?
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