I thought I'd share a photo of my sock so far. As you can see I am into the third repeat of the pattern, which means soon I will hit the gusset! Whee! With toe-up socks I always get nervous that I will make the sock too long or too short, especially with a heel style I am not familiar with, so I am trying to be zen and trust the Campanula process.
The color's not particularly true in the photo. My nice, new camera is getting fixed, so this was taken with the Old Klunker. But you can get the idea that there are little variations in the yarn, but not so much as to detract from the lace. Again, it's Dream in Color Smooshy sock yarn in the Pale Fire colorway.
You'll also notice I didn't do a short-row toe. I guess I am just so happy with my Turkish cast ons that I can't bring myself to do another type of toe for a while. I will do the heel in Ramona's pattern, though.
Other than occasionally losing a stitch in the K3togTBL stitches (which I have caught in time, thankfully--not wanting to undo lace, ugh), I'm not having too much trouble so far! It's just going more slowly now that I'm only working on it during lunch hours and a wee bit in the evenings (I have another project I am also trying to finish).
How is everyone else doing?
These look fabulous, Suna! And don't worry. Just try them on as you go and use that to guide you. That's the beauty of toe-ups.
You don't make the heel until the foot fits right. The gussett increases start when you are about 2.5 inches from the full length of the foot and go for about 1/2 an inch, then you just turn the heel. And it's all adjustable - you can make the heel cup as shallow or deep as you need, just do fewer or mopre short rows.
So try it on and remember to pull it just a little snug - you want that negative ease (about 10% for socks) for a good fit and to spread the lace pattern so it shows.
Also - remember you can work the k3togTBL as [sl2(p-wise), ktbl, psso]. It's easier for some folks, accomplishes the same thing.
It looks fantastic! My wool has arrived at the post office and I will be picking it up on Thursday so I will be starting my socks soon!
Thanks, Ramona. The heel is done and I start up the leg today. I just don't really llike short-row heels, but I can do them! I'll share more photos soon.
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